create a laravel todo project
- create a laravel todo project
- Install laravel 8
- Create task list
- add routes
- build view
- change home directory
- use telescope to debug 404 not found
- commands
- code
- Problem
create a laravel todo project
Please read start from Install laravel 8.
There are many problems in operation below, if you want to refer to it, you can continue to read.
- apt install php7.4-cli
- su user1
- root@$ mkdir ~/public
- root@$ cd ~/public
- root@~/public$ composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} 4.2 --prefer-dist
if you run this commmand as root, you will get this message Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details Continue as root/super user [yes]? - user1@~/public$
cd {directory}
- user1@~/public/{directory}$php artisan make:migration create_tasks_table --create=tasks
if you get "mcrypt php extension required", you have to install mcrypt php extension first. sudo apt install php-dev libmcrypt-dev php-pear $ sudo pecl channel-update $ sudo pecl install mcrypt cf. - add "" to /etc/php/7.4/cli/php.ini - user1@~/public/{directory}$php artisan make:migration create_tasks_table --create=tasks
OUTPUT: [InvalidArgumentException] There are no commands defined in the "make" namespace. check you laravel version via the commnadphp artisan --version
. There is no make command in laravel4. cf. - above steps I follow these two pages: - -
Install laravel 8
- user1@~/public$
composer create-project laravel/laravel {directory} 8.x --prefer-dist
- user1@~/public$
cd {directory}
Create task list
- user1@~/public/{directory}$ php artisan make:migration create_tasks_table --create=tasks
- user1@~/public/{directory}$ vi database/migrations/2023_01_03_054703_create_tasks_table.php
chema::create('tasks', function (Blueprint $table) {
- user1@~/public/{directory}$ php artisan migrate
OUTPUT: Illuminate\Database\QueryException could not find driver (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = laravel and table_name = migrations and table_type = 'BASE TABLE') - user1@~/public/{directory}$
sudo apt-get install php-mysql
- user1@~/public/{directory}$php artisan migrate
- user1@~/public/{directory}$php artisan make:model Task
Directory | Command |
~/public/{directory}/database/migrations/2023_01_03_054703_create_tasks_table.php | php artisan make:migration create_tasks_table --create=tasks |
~/public/{directory}/app/Models/Task.php | php artisan make:model Task |
~/public/{directory}/app/Http/routes.php |
add routes
- user1@~/public/{directory}$
vi app/Http/routes.php
``` <?php use App\Task; use Illuminate\Http\Request;
/ * show task dashboard / Route::get('/',function(){ // });
/ * add new task / Route::post('/task',function(Request $request){ // });
/ * delete task / Route::delete('/task/{task}',function(Task $task){ // }); ```
build view
user1@~/public/{directory}$ vi resources/views/app.blade.php ```
710▕ // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors. 711▕ catch (Exception $e) { ➜ 712▕ throw new QueryException( 713▕ $query, $this->
user1@~/public/{directory}$ vi resources/views/tasks.blade.php
@endsection ```
change home directory
vi .env
modify ./routes/web.php:17: return view('welcome');
return view('tasks');
use telescope to debug 404 not found adrian@SUNCAT-HUANG:~/public/{directory}$ php artisan migrate
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: NO) (SQL: select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema = laravel and table_name = migrations and table_type = 'BASE TABLE')
at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connection.php:712 708▕ // If an exception occurs when attempting to run a query, we'll format the error 709▕ // message to include the bindings with SQL, which will make this exception a 710▕ // lot more helpful to the developer instead of just the database's errors. 711▕ catch (Exception $e) { ➜ 712▕ throw new QueryException( 713▕ $query, $this->prepareBindings($bindings), $e 714▕ ); 715▕ } 716▕ }
+33 vendor frames 34 artisan:37 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel::handle()
check laravel version - php artisan --version
change role to user - su user
change role to root(wsl ubuntu root no password) - sudo su -