How do I manage my bookmarks


What disadvantages when I keep some bookmarks

What advantages when I don't keep any bookmark

What bookmarks I have to keep them

Task Bookmarks

So I don't keep any bookmarks. No, we can keep some bookmarks for a task. If we finish it, we can export our bookmarks to the task folder.

Daily bookmarks

We access the bookmark daily. we can add it to the bookmarkbar. If there are many bookmarks , we can save them to one tab chrome extension for clicking once to open many bookmarks.

I need someone to tell me what's best movie novel. I keep this but never read it again. It shows I like to read books to improve myself. After I talk something, they shock I read so less books. So don't keep this bookmark or an awesome list like "sindresorhus/awesome: 😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics". I like to keep awesome list but never read them again. 電影迷書迷必讀!細數55部改編自小說的經典電影